
Οδηγός για το διαδίκτυο Παιδαγωγικά  Γλώσσα Λογοτεχνία Κλασσική φιλολογία Ιστορία Υπερδεσμοί




Κεφάλαιο 7ο

Σλάβοι και Βούλγαροι

Σχηματισμός του βουλγαρικού έθνους

Οι σύγχρονοι Βούλγαροι είναι απόγονοι των πρωτοβούλγαρων, ενός ημινομαδικού, αγροτικού και πολεμικού, τουρκόφωνου λαού ο οποίος κατά τον 2ο αιώνα μετανάστευσε από την Κεντρική Ασία στην περιοχή του Βόλγα στις βόρειες στέπες του Καυκάσου και από εκεί εγκαταστάθηκε στη Βαλκανική χερσόνησο το 679, και των σλαβικών φυλών που είχαν μετακινηθεί στα Βαλκάνια τον προηγούμενο αιώνα.

Οι πρωτοβούλγαροι μαζί με τους Σλάβους, απορροφώντας και διάφορα άλλα αυτόχθονα φύλα της περιοχής όπως οι Θράκες, οι Δάκες και οι Γέτες, διαμόρφωσαν το Βουλγαρικό έθνος, το οποίο είχε περισσότερα σλαβικά χαρακτηριστικά καθώς οι Σλάβοι ήταν περισσότεροι και αυξήθηκαν δυσανάλογα, αφομοιώνοντας γλωσσικά και πολιτιστικά τους πρωτοβούλγαρους, οι οποίοι όμως έδωσαν το όνομά τους στο νέο αυτό έθνος.

Επίσης μέσα στο βουλγαρικό έθνος, αφομοιώθηκαν και άλλα φύλα της περιοχής, δηλαδή Κουμάνοι, Πετσενέγκοι, Βλάχοι και Άβαροι, τα οποία αφομοιώθηκαν πλήρως εκτός από έναν αριθμό Βλάχων που διατηρούν την ιδιαίτερη κουλτούρα τους.

άρθρο της Wikipedia



What does the term «σκλαβηνίες» mean?

v  In the peninsula of Emos it meant the permanent Slavic establishments.

v  In the Greek areas they constituted smaller or larger semi independent areas with Slavic population. 

During the 9th century these areas in the northern-western part of the Emos peninsula developed to the first small states of Serbia and Croatia. The development of these two states made it easier for the Byzantines to turn them into Christians.

At the same time the areas in the southern part of the peninsula were gradually embodied in the Byzantine administration. At the beginning they were semi independed and they had to pay a subjection tax.

How the Bulgaric state was founded?  

When Constantine D’ was emperor, the Bulgarians, people coming from Asia, founded a state near the mouth of the Danube. The Bulgarians managed to defeat the Byzantine army and they conquered the areas between the Danube the mountain Emos and the Black Sea. Slavic tribes had also entered the area so it was actually out of the Byzantine control. The emperor recognized silently the new situation and promised donations in the future.

The treaty with the Bulgarians was renewed later and the Bulgarians helped the emperor Leo the Third to face the Arab invaders in front of Constantinople.

During the 8th century Constantine the Fifth tried many expeditions against the Bulgarians in order to abolish their state. The war was very difficult for the Bulgarians since they faced a major internal political crisis. The crisis was due to the conflict between the political party friendly to the Byzantines and the one against them. The old Bulgaric aristocracy was against the Byzantines whereas the other party had its roots to the nation that was forming by mixing the Slavic population with the popular bulgaric classes. Because of this crisis the Bulgarians weakened and that the Byzantine state became stronger in the area but the emperor did not manage to abolish the Bulgarian state.

Bulgaria under Croumos.       

Bulgaria became stronger during the 9th century when it added ex Abaric land to the state. Under the leadership of Croumos Sofia had been conquered. The emperor Nikiforos A’ tried to face the Bulgarians in their areas but he was defeated, his army was destroyed and he died at the battlefield. Croumos turned towards the Black Sea and managed to take many ports in the area. He even threatened Constantinople. When Croumos died suddenly on 814 his heir Omourtag signed a 30 year treaty with the Byzantines and thus the area remained peaceful until the end of the century.

How was the Bulgaric state organized?      

Two different races constituted the population of the Bulgaric state: The Bulgarians and the Slavs. The state was thus organized accordingly: The leader and the Bulgarian aristocracy defined the state’s policy, whereas the Slavs kept certain independence in their areas and they participated to the administration up to a point. During the 9th century the central government was strengthened and the leaders of the Slavic tribes lost their power. On the other hand the Slavs were more, so they assimilated the Bulgarians. The Slavs were politically subjected to the Bulgarians but they assimilated them as a nation.





<----- Αρχική

Ιστορία Β΄Λυκείου
Κεντρικό μενού

Κεφάλαιο 2 - Ηράκλειος

3. Ισλάμ

4. Αραβικές κατακτήσεις

5. Εικονομαχία

6. Κοινωνία & Οικονομία

7. Σλάβοι και Βούλγαροι

8. Φράγκοι


Κεφάλαιο Β΄

Ακμή του Βυζ. κράτους









  terracomputerata AT gmail DOT com